
php实现文件编码批量转换 android软件开发教程
来源:互联网   发布日期:2016-03-01 13:30:54   浏览:2229次  







* 转换文件编码

* 依赖的扩展filesystem 和 mbstring

* @example

* <pre>

* include_once 'ConvertEncode.php';

* $convert = new ConvertEncode();

* try{

*$convert->setPath('my', true, true);//目录


*$convert->setEncode('GBK', 'UTF-8');


* }catch(ConvertException $e) {

*echo $e->getMessage();

* }

* </pre>


class ConvertEncode {


* 要转换成的编码

* @var string


private $_to_encoding;


* 转换前的编码

* @var string


private $_from_encoding;


* 要转换的的目录或者单文件

* @var string


private $_path;


* 是否是一个目录,当给出的是目录是才设置

* @var boolean


private $_directory;


* 是否递归遍历,仅对目录有效

* @var boolean


private $_recursion;


* 保存所有待转换的文件,仅当转换目录里面的文件时才用

* @var array


private $_files = array();


* 构造函数


public function __construct() {

if( ! function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ) {

throw new ConvertException('mbstring extension be required');




* 设置需要转换的目录或者单文件

* @param string $path 目录或者文件

* @param boolean 是否是目录

* @param boolean 是否递归目录

* @return boolean


public function setPath($path, $is_dir = false, $rec = false) {

$this->_path = $path;

$this->_directory = $is_dir;

$this->_recursion = $rec;

return true;



* 设置转换前的编码和要转换到的编码

* @param string $encode 转换前的编码

* @param string $encode 转换到的编码

* @return boolean


public function setEncode($encode_from, $encode_to) {

$this->_from_encoding = $encode_from;

$this->_to_encoding= $encode_to;

return true;



* 转换编码,根据是否是目录的设置分别转换

* @return boolean


public function convert() {

if($this->_directory ) {

return $this->_convertDirectory();


return $this->_convertFile();



* 转换文件

* @throws ConvertException

* @return boolean


private function _convertFile() {

if( ! file_exists($this->_path) ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' does not exist.';

throw new ConvertException($message);


if( ! is_file($this->_path) ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' is not a file.';

throw new ConvertException($message);


if( ! $this->_isWR() ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' must can be read and write.';

throw new ConvertException($message);


$file_real_path= realpath($this->_path);

$file_content_from = file_get_contents( $file_real_path );

if( mb_check_encoding($file_content_from, $this->_from_encoding) ) {

$file_content_to= mb_convert_encoding( $file_content_from, $this->_to_encoding, $this->_from_encoding );

file_put_contents( $file_real_path, $file_content_to );


return true;



* 转换目录

* @throws ConvertException

* @return boolean


private function _convertDirectory() {

if( ! file_exists($this->_path) ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' does not exist.';

throw new ConvertException($message);


if( ! is_dir($this->_path) ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' is not a directory.';

throw new ConvertException($message);


if( ! $this->_isWR() ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' must can be read and write.';

throw new ConvertException($message);



if( empty($this->_files) ) {

$message = $this->_path . ' is a empty directory.';

throw new ConvertException($message);


foreach( $this->_files as $value ) {

$file_content_from = file_get_contents( $value );

if( mb_check_encoding($file_content_from, $this->_from_encoding) ) {

$file_content_to= mb_convert_encoding( $file_content_from, $this->_to_encoding, $this->_from_encoding );

file_put_contents( $value, $file_content_to );



return true;



* 判断文件或者目录是否可读写

* @return boolean 可读写时返回true,否则返回false


private function _isWR() {

if( is_readable($this->_path) && is_writable($this->_path) ) {

return true;


return false;



* 遍历目录,找出所有文件,加上绝对路径

* @return boolean


private function _scanDirFiles($dir = '') {

$base_path = empty( $dir ) ? realpath($this->_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : realpath($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

$files_tmp = empty( $dir ) ? scandir($this->_path) : scandir($dir);

foreach( $files_tmp as $value ) {

if( $value == '.' || $value == '..' || ( strpos($value, '.') === 0 ) ) {



$value = $base_path . $value;

if( is_dir($value) ) {

if( $this->_recursion ) {




elseif( is_file($value) ) {

$this->_files[] = $value;



return true;




* 转换异常



class ConvertException extends Exception {




相关热词: 开发 编程 android



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