
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-10-05 18:20:57   浏览:10107次  

导读: 一种快速实现多峰值函数优化的改进遗传算法 点击次数:401 An Improved Genetic Algorithm of Fast Realization in Multimodal Function Optimizations 作者: 魏泳涛盛鹰 单位: 四川大学建筑与环境学院 成都 610065 关键词: 改进遗传算法多峰值函数优化并...

一种快速实现多峰值函数优化的改进遗传算法      点击次数:401

An Improved Genetic Algorithm of Fast Realization in Multimodal Function Optimizations

作者:魏泳涛 盛鹰 

单位:四川大学建筑与环境学院 成都 610065

关键词:改进遗传算法 多峰值函数优化 并行小生境技术 局部搜索参数 





Considering the disadvantages of simple genetic algorithm (SGA), such as premature convergence, weakness in local search, etc, an improved genetic algorithm was proposed in this paper and could fast solve the optimization problem of the function which has much more peaks. Many methods such as parallel niche technique, judgement of possible peak points and introduction of local searching parameters were included in the improved algorithm, and were successfully performed by programming with C language. Numerical examples demonstrated that the improved algorithm can avoid premature effectively, improve the convergence efficiency and fast reach all the global optimal points of the objective function. It has extensive applicability in soving the other multimodal function optimizations.


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