
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-10-01 16:26:29   浏览:6721次  


毕业论文 基于局部神经网络的电力需求预测研究,共63页,32592字。


Local Neural Network based Power Demand Forecasting

Power demand forecasting is the basic issue to ensure the stable and economical operation of power system. For a power system, both the improvement of electricity quality and the increasing of operation stability and economy depend on the precise forecasting of power demand. Medium or long term power demand forecasting can offer some decision supports for the installation of new generators and the planning, capacity increase and rebuilding of the electric network, which is one of the most important work of the power planning departments.
A local neural network model is proposed for power demand forecasting. Firstly, preprocessing of original time series such as normalization is done with some pattern preprocessing methods. Secondly, the time series are segmented into a series of samples with vector form by time window, and then feature extraction with principal component analysis (PCA) is done on the sample set in order to reduce dimensions of samples. Thirdly, k nearest neighbors of the sample to be predicted is obtained by k nearest neighbors searching (KNNS). Finally, the k nearest neighbor samples are used to train a RBF neural network, and then the sample to be predicted is predicted with the RBF neural network well trained. In this paper, grid searching and cross-validation method are used to search the optimal parameter of the RBF neural network, which can avoid the blindness and casualness of the parameter selection and improve the forecasting accuracy. Comparison of the prediction performance and implementation efficiency between the local neural network model and the global artificial neural network (ANN) is done by simulation experiments. Experimental results showed that the prediction performance and execution efficiency of local neural network model are better than those of global artificial neural network model.

Keywords:Local neural network; Principal component analysis; k-nearest neighbors searching; Grid searching; Cross-validation

目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1短期电量需求的意义及任务 1
1.1.1电量预测的意义 1
1.1.2短期电量预测的任务 2
1.2电量预测研究现状 3
1.3 论文的主要内容与结构 6
2.电力需求分析及预测 7
2.1电力负荷预测组成及作用 7
2.1.1 电力负荷的分类 7
2.1.2 负荷预测的分类 8
2.1.3 负荷预测的特点和基本原理 9
2.2 短期负荷分析 10
2.2.1 短期负荷特性 11
2.2.2 典型负荷分量分析 12
2.2.3天气敏感负荷分量分析 14
2.3 短期负荷预测的模型 15
2.3.1 短期负荷预测模型要求 15
2.3.2短期负荷预测的基本模型 16
2.4 本章小结 17
3.模式特征提取 18
3.1 特征提取过程介绍 18
3.2 数据的预处理 19
3.2.1 消除稳态分量 19
3.2.2 模式样本的归一化处理 19
3.2.3 模式样本的平滑与分块 20
3.3 主成分分析 20
3.3.1 主成分分析介绍 21
3.3.2主成分分析计算方法 21
3.3.3主成分的性质 22
3.4 本章小结 24
4.人工神经网络理论基础 25
4.1 人工神经网络基础 25
4.1.1人工神经网络介绍 25
4.1.2 神经网络的基本特征 25
4.1.3 神经网络的结构 26
4.2 RBF神经网络及应用举例 27
4.2.1 径向基础函数网络 27
4.2.2 径向基函数网络的构建 29
4.2.3 径向基函数网络的应用实例 31
4.2.4 人工神经网络在电力需求预测中的应用 33
4.3本章小结 34
5.最近邻搜索及交叉验证 35
5.1 最近邻搜索 35
5.1.1 KNN法 35
5.1.2 KNN法的改进 35
5.1.3 等均值最近邻搜索算法(ENNS) 36
5.2 交叉验证法 37
5.3 最优预测模型 38
5.4 本章总结 39
6.在MATLAB环境下实现电力需求预测 40
6.1 MATLAB语言及其神经网络工具箱 40
6.1.1 MATLAB简介 40
6.1.2 人工神经网络工具函数 40
6.2 MATLAB语言环境下的程序设计 41
6.2.1 开发环境 41
6.2.2 程序开发方法介绍 41
6.2.3 具体实现方法 41
6.3 算例分析 43
6.4 仿真实验 44
6.5 本章小结 46
7.结论 47
参考文献 48
附录 本设计程序 50
致谢 58




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