
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-10-01 13:51:17   浏览:5428次  

导读:利用人工神经网络方法提高差分光学吸收光谱系统测量精度研究(Improving DOAS System Measurement Precision with Artificial Neutral Network Method)...

Differential optical absorption spectroscopy(DOAS) has become a widely used method to measure trace gases in the atmosphere. Their concentrations are retrieved by a numerical analysis of the atmospheric absorption spectra. But in the process of application, it is found the error is a bit larger and results are not steady since the limited bandwidth for each analysis subject to system hardware. A new procedure was developed, based on the Madaline artificial neural network theory to expand the spectra bandwidth. A good result was obtaind with this method according to the comparison of the different test results.




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