
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-09-19 12:55:16   浏览:5234次  


int GrayEqualize(BYTE *image,DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,WORD wBitCount)
 DWORD height=dwHeight;
 DWORD width=dwWidth;
 WORD bitCount=wBitCount;
 DWORD lineBytes=(width*bitCount+31)/32*4;
 BYTE *temp=image;

 BYTE grayMap[256];
 DWORD grayNum[256];

 BYTE BgrayMap[256];
 DWORD BgrayNum[256];
 BYTE GgrayMap[256];
 DWORD GgrayNum[256];
 BYTE RgrayMap[256];
 DWORD RgrayNum[256];

 DWORD i=0;
 DWORD j=0;
 int n=0;
 int m=0;
 BYTE b=0;
 BYTE g=0;
 BYTE r=0;
 long c=0;
 long bc=0,gc=0,rc=0;

  return -1;



 else if(bitCount==24)


  return -1;

 return 0;

int LineTranslation(BYTE *image,DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,
     WORD wBitCount,double k,double d)
 DWORD dwLineBytes=(dwWidth*wBitCount+31)/32*4;
 DWORD i=0;
 DWORD j=0;
 DWORD n=0;
 BYTE b=0;
 BYTE g=0;
 BYTE r=0;
 double nb=0;
 double ng=0;
 double nr=0;
 double f=0;

  return -1;
    if(f>255) f=255;
    if(f<0) f=0;
 else if(wBitCount==24)
    if(nb>255) nb=255;
    if(nb<0) nb=0;
    if(ng>255) ng=255;
    if(ng<0) ng=0;
    if(nr>255) nr=255;
    if(nr<0) nr=0;
  return -1;

 return 0;

int GrayStretch(BYTE* image,DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,WORD wBitCount,
    int pt1x,int pt1y,int pt2x,int pt2y)

 BYTE map[256];
 int n=0;
 DWORD dwLineBytes=(dwWidth*wBitCount+31)/32*4;
 DWORD i=0;
 DWORD j=0;
 BYTE b=0;
 BYTE g=0;
 BYTE r=0;
 double avg=0.0;
 int ag=0;

  return -1;

 else if(wBitCount==24)
  return -1;

 return 0;

int ThresholdTranslation(BYTE* image,DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,
       WORD wBitCount,BYTE bytThreshold)
 DWORD i=0;
 DWORD j=0;
 DWORD n=0;
 BYTE b=0;
 BYTE g=0;
 BYTE r=0;
 double avg=0.0;
 DWORD dwLineBytes=(dwWidth*wBitCount+31)/32*4;

 else if(wBitCount==24)


  return -1;

 return 0;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>

#include "Bitmap.h"
#include "Algorithm.h"

int main(int argc,char **argv)
 char image_path[256];
 char save_path[256];
 int ret=0;
 DWORD dwHeight=0;
 DWORD dwWidth=0;
 WORD wBitCount=0;
 int select=0;
 bool con=TRUE;
 int pt1x,pt1y,pt2x,pt2y;
 double k=0,d=0;
 int p=0,t=0;

  printf("Please input the path of the bitmap(.bmp):\n");

  printf("FAILED: read the bitmap %s.\n",image_path);
  return -1;


  printf("-----Main Menu-----\n");
  printf(" 1. GrayEqualize\n");
  printf(" 2. GrayStretch\n");
  printf(" 3. LineTranslation\n");
  printf(" 4. LogTranslation\n");
  printf(" 5. ThresholdTranslation\n");
  printf(" 6. WindowTranslation\n");
  printf(" 7. Erosion\n");
  printf(" 8. Dilation\n");
  printf(" 9. Open\n");
  printf(" 10. Close\n");
  printf(" 11. Thining.\n");
  printf("99. Save the BITMAP\n");
  printf(" 0. EXIT\n");

  case 0:
  case 1://GrayEqualize
    printf("FAILED: GrayEqulaize.\n");
   printf("Successed: GrayEqualize.\n");
  case 2://GrayStretch
   printf("Input the coordinate of two point(pt1x,pt1y,pt2x,pt2y):\n");
    printf("FAILED: GrayStretch.\n");
   printf("Successed: GrayStretch.\n");
  case 3://LineTranslation
   printf("Input k,d:\n");
    printf("FAILED: LineTranslation.\n");
   printf("Successed: LineTranslation.\n");
  case 4://LogTranslation
   printf("Input k:\n");
    printf("FAILED: LogTranslation.\n");
   printf("Successed: LogTranslation.\n");
  case 5://ThresholdTranslation
   printf("Input the Threshold:\n");
    printf("FAILED: ThresholdTranslation.\n");
   printf("Successed: ThresholdTranslation.\n");
  case 6://WindowTranslation
   printf("Input the down and up Value(down,up):\n");
    printf("FAILED: WindowTranslation.\n");
   printf("Successed: WindowTranslation.\n");
  case 7://Erosion
   printf("Direction: 0-Horizontal 1-Vertically\n");
   printf("Element Size: 3 or 5 or 7\n");
    printf("FAILED: Erosion.\n");
   printf("Successed: Erosion.\n");
  case 8://Dilation
   printf("Direction: 0-Horizontal 1-Vertically\n");
   printf("Element Size: 3 or 5 or 7\n");
    printf("FAILED: Dilation.\n");
   printf("Successed: Dilation.\n");
  case 9:
   printf("Direction: 0-Horizontal 1-Vertically\n");
   printf("Element Size: 3 or 5 or 7\n");
    printf("FAILED: Open.\n");
   printf("Successed: Open.\n");
  case 10:
   printf("Direction: 0-Horizontal 1-Vertically\n");
   printf("Element Size: 3 or 5 or 7\n");
    printf("FAILED: Close.\n");
   printf("Successed: Close.\n");
  case 11:
    printf("FAILED: Thining.\n");
   printf("Successed: Thining.\n");
  case 99://Save the image to a bitmap file
   printf("Please input the path you want to save the bitmap(.bmp):\n");
    printf("FAILED: save the bitmap %s.\n",save_path);
    return -1;
   printf("Successed to save the bitmap.\n");
 return 0;




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