
人脸识别系统(1) [标准VOA080128]
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-09-16 11:24:15   浏览:37252次  

导读:Scientists Develop Reliable Face Recognition System (1/2),专家谈到人脸识别系统正在大受欢迎,但是它并不是很可靠的...标准VOA,VOA在线听力...

Scientists Develop Reliable Face Recognition System (1/2)


Experts say that automatic face recognition systems, in which a computer attempts to recognize an individual by checking his or her face against thousands of images stored in a database, are gaining in popularity, but are not very reliable.

There won't be a match if the person's face is not contained in the database, or a match may be overlooked if a picture that is in the database looks sufficiently different than the individual standing in front of the system's electronic eye.

Experts say that's because the stored photograph may be several years old and bear little resemblence to the individual, or the pose or light may be different.

Psychologist Rob Jenkins of the University of Glascow and his colleague Mike Burton believe they solved the problem.

They randomly gathered 20 images of 25 male celebrities on the internet and fed the photos into a face recognition system that had a database of 31-thousand photos of famous faces.

The recognition system accurately identified the individuals about half of the time .

The researchers then created what they call an "average face" of each celebrity by taking his images and averaging them out.


格拉斯哥大学的心理学家Rob Jenkins和他的同伴Mike Burton认为他们已经解决了问题。







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