
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-09-07 14:50:46   浏览:6279次  


许晓伟,凌兴宏,李凡长,姚望舒 (苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院,苏州,215006)摘要:盟友选择是组建动态联盟的关键因素之一,而要保证选择盟友决策的正确性,就必须选择合理的评价指标并建立合理的模型。盟友选择问题是一个复杂的组合优化问题,考虑因素多,属于 NP-hard 问题。本文从整个生产价值链出发,结合层次分析法 (AHP) ,建立盟友选择模型。在对模型研究的基础上,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的动态联盟盟友选择方法。实现整条生产价值链的全局最优,最后通过实验证明这种方法的有效性。关键词:动态联盟、盟友选择、多目标决策、层次分析法、蚁群算法Study on Selection Of Dynamic Alliance Ally ProblemBased on ACO Xu Xiaowei , Ling Xinghong ,Li Fanzhang, Yao Wangshu (School of Computer Science and Technology , Soochow University , suzhou ,215006,China )Abstract: Selection of ally is one of the key factors to build a danamic allience. To ensure the correctness of the decision-making, it is necessary to choose a reasonable evaluation of the model. Selection of allies is a complex combinatorial optimization problems,which consider much and belongs to NP-hard problems. In this paper, based on the entire production value chain and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), establish selection of ally model. On the basic of study of model,we establis a solution of selection of danamic alliance ally based on ant colony algorithm . The solution make the realization of the entire production value chain of the global optimum, and finally proved by experiment the validity of this approach.Keywords:Dynamic Alliance; Selection of Ally;Multi-object Decision;The Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP); Ant Colony Optimization引言 动态联盟是一种新型的企




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