
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-09-07 14:43:09   浏览:6337次  

导读: 基于字符连通域特征的车牌汉字字符识别技术 xuebao.nuc.edu.cn 摘要: 本文通过对待识别字符和标准车牌汉字字符库中的各个标准字符的重合部分的连通域数目及相似度进行分析,定义了待识别字符相对于标准汉字字符的连通域特征和相似度特征,由此提出了一种“基...


摘要: 本文通过对待识别字符和标准车牌汉字字符库中的各个标准字符的重合部分的连通域数目及相似度进行分析,定义了待识别字符相对于标准汉字字符的连通域特征和相似度特征,由此提出了一种“基于字符连通域特征”的车牌汉字字符识别方法. 该方法通过分析待识别汉字字符相对于标准字符模板的连通域特征对待识别字符进行初步识别,然后再通过分析字符的相似度特征对待识别字符进行精确识别. 实验结果表明,该算法在车牌汉字字符的识别上能取得较高的识别率,而且该算法在对“缺损”汉字的识别上也能取得较好的效果.

关键词: 连通域;相似度;字符;汉字字符识别;模板

中图分类号:TP301.6文献标识码: A doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-7449.2011.01.016

Vehicle Template Character Recognition Technology Based on Connected Domain Characteristic

MENG Qingyuan, BAI Yanping, HU Hongping

College of Science, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China

Abstract: In this paper, we analyze and define the connected domain characteristic and similarity characteristic for the coincident parts between the unknown character template and the standard character template. A Chinese character recognition algorithm is advanced based on the character connected domain characteristic. The algorithm makes a rough recognition for an unknown character template by analyzing the connected domain characteristic relative to the standard template and then obtains an accurate result by analyzing the similarity characteristic. The experiment results show that, the algorithm can achieve high recognition rate, and has a good performance when it is applied to the recognition of fragmentary characters.

Key words: connected domain; similarity; character;Chinese character recognition; template


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相关热词: xuebao.nuc.edu.cn



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