2009-04-27 10:30 来源: 作者: 网友评论 0 条 浏览次数 172
【关键词】蚁群算法 电力载波 路由算法
【中图分类号】G434 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1009-9646(2008)08-0188-02
The researching of the Low-voltage power line carrier adaptive routing algorithm owning to the ACA
WangLi Yang Chun-yan Chen yue
(1.HLJ Vocztional Institute of information technology Haerbin 150086 2. Armor Techique Institute of PLA ChangChun 130117 3.Harbin Normal UniversityHaerbin 150080)
ABSTRACT: The ACA is a Parallel Optimization Algorithm, developed in recent years inspired by the nature searching food of Ant.We made the ACA as the Adaptive routing algorithm of the Low-voltage power line carrier. It will Automatic search the optimal path and made the whole Low-voltage power line carrier network to be a Stable and reliable network.
Key Words:ant colony algorithm(ACA);Power line carrier ;the Routing algorithm