
来源:互联网   发布日期:2011-08-18 13:37:36   浏览:18724次  


Face recognition

Anonymous no more

You can’t hide—from anybody

Jul 30th 2011 | SAN FRANCISCO | from the print edition

IF YOUR face and name are anywhere on the web, you may be recognised whenever you walk the streets—not just by cops but by any geek with a computer. That seems to be the conclusion from some new research on the limits of privacy.


For suspected miscreants, and people chasing them, face-recognition technology is old hat. Brazil, preparing for the soccer World Cup in 2014, is already trying out pairs of glasses with mini-cameras attached; policemen wearing them could snap images of faces, easy to compare with databases of criminals. More authoritarian states love such methods: photos are taken at checkpoints, and images checked against recent participants in protests.


But could such technology soon be used by anyone at all, to identify random passers-by and unearth personal details about them? A study which is to be unveiled on August 4th at Black Hat, a security conference in Las Vegas, suggests that day is close. Its authors, Alessandro Acquisti, Ralph Gross and Fred Stutzman, all at America’s Carnegie Mellon University, ran several experiments that show how three converging technologies are undermining privacy. One is face-recognition software itself, which has improved a lot. The researchers also used “cloud computing” services, which provide lots of cheap processing power. And they went to social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, where most users post real names and photos of themselves.

可是,这种技术是否不久就可应用于寻常人家,用以识别任意的过路人并挖掘出个人详细情况? 8月4日将在拉斯维加斯举行黑帽安全会议,会议将公开一项研究,根据这份研究,这一天已为期不远。该项研究报告的作者阿里桑德罗•阿奎斯蒂、拉尔夫•格罗斯以及弗雷德•斯杜兹曼都来自于美国卡内基梅隆大学,他们的几个试验向人们演示了这种三合一的技术是如何侵犯别人隐私的。其中一个是面部识别软件本身,这项技术已经有了很大的改进。研究者还使用了“云计算”服务,因为它具有很强的处理能力,且价格低廉。他们常上Facebook和LinkedIn等社交网站,那里大多数的用户使用自己真实的名字和照片。

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