
来源:互联网   发布日期:2009-11-24   浏览:23次  

导读:目前工程塑料已经被广泛的应用于日常生活和工业生产,中国广阔的市场前景和巨大的商业契机吸引了世界的目光。自1999年以来,已经成功举办的五届展览会吸引了160,000名专业观众。第六届展览会将引入更新的内容和活动, 邀请更多的国内外专业人士,提 ......
展会名称  第六届中国国际工程塑料工业展览会
展会类别  化工橡塑
举办城市  上海市
举办时间  2009-11-24 至 2009-11-27
展会场馆  上海新国际博览中心


目前工程塑料已经被广泛的应用于日常生活和工业生产,中国广阔的市场前景和巨大的商业契机吸引了世界的目光。自1999年以来,已经成功举办的五届展览会吸引了160,000名专业观众。第六届展览会将引入更新的内容和活动, 邀请更多的国内外专业人士,提高展会的权威性及业界展览声望。除此之外,协会将继续与第十一届亚太国际塑料橡胶工业展览会;第四届中国国际氟硅材料工业展览会。而中国工程塑料工业协会是国内最高水准的行业机构,并在行业间开展国际交流与合作!At present, engineering plastics are widely used in our daily life and all industry sectors. Bright market perspective and lots of business chances make China attract world’s attention. As five past events has been successfully held since 1999, the exhibition attracted 160,000 professional visitors. The 6th show will continuously introduce new contents and activities, invite more professionals in home and abroad to enhance the academic authoritativeness and prestige of the exhibition. Moreover, “11th Asia-pacific International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition” will held the same time and venue with “4th China International Fluorine-Silicon Industrial fair” .This measure will coverage more industrial fields and gain more chances for exhibiters to attractive professional visitors. The sponsor CEPIA is the tiptop organization in China, and advances international communications and cooperations in inter-industries. 开拓中国市场的最佳选择当前金融海啸袭击全球,国际市场需求减缓,而中国政府力保经济平稳增长,4万亿元的刺激经济计划,实际将带动地方和社会超过10万亿元的投资,近日中国政府部署了促进轻纺工业健康发展的政策措施,更使世界的目光齐聚中国市场,并已经成为商家的必争之地,而“第六届中国国际工程塑料工业展览会”也将成为其付之行动的最佳选择。

An ideal way to open up the Chinese market

As demands in the global market slowed down by the financial crisis, China spares no efforts in stabilizing its fast growing economy.? A 4,000 billion RMB stimulus plan for China's economy actually means an investment of more than 10,000 billion RMB in all fields.? Recently, the government’s policies on the light textile industry again attracted worldwide attention.? The Chinese market has become so crucial for business that it is now wanted by all companies. 6th China International Exhibition on Engineering Plastics Industry would certainly be an ideal choice for companies to open up its market in China.

唯一由中国主要行业主管部门及权威机构共同主办、并获得数家政府机构及协会支持中国轻工业联合会塑料制品、家电、玩具、日化、食品、家具等主管部门中国石油和化学工业协会石油和塑料橡胶原材料的主管部门中国机电产品进出口商会机械设备进出口的主管及协调部门中国轻工机械协会塑料橡胶加工装备的主管及服务协会中国工程塑料工业协会国内最高水准的行业机构 The only one organized by administrative and authoritative departments, in collaboration with several government sectors and professional associationsChina National Light Industry CouncilAdministrative department of plastic products, home appliances, daily-use chemical, foodstuff, furniture, etcChina Petroleum and Chemical Industry AssociationAdministrative department forpetroleum, plastics and rubber raw materialsChina Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic ProductsAdministrative and coordinative department for machinery import and exportChina Light Industry Machinery AssociationAdministrative and coordinative department for plastics and rubber processing machineryChina Engineering Plastics Industry AssociationThe best institution in china

2009年进入中国,开发中高端市场的最佳时机适逢经济危机,中国处于产业及产品结构调整时期,中高端产品需求潜力巨大。展览会举办的时机,正是政府的拉动经济及扩大内需的政策实施近一年,已初见成效,自然成为开拓和占领中国市场的最佳时机。The best opportunity to enter the Chinese mid & high-end marketIn the restructuring period of China’s industries and products, there is huge potential in demands for middle and high-end products. China’s economic policies to stir up domestic demands make it an ideal opportunity for companies to enter the Chinese market and grab market shares in China.物有所值Value for money中国国际工程塑料工业展览会是您开拓中国市场在中国参展的首选展览会,以最低的参展成本实现您在中国市场的推广最大化,这也是我们一直以来所追求的目标。China International Exhibition on Engineering Plastics Industry (Engplast China)”is your best choice of exploiting market in China, it achieves the maximum of market extending with minimum of charge, which is also our aim 高成交始终是亮点High volume of transaction根据历届展会统计数字及参展商回馈表明,中国国际工程塑料工业展览会在同类展览会中,成交及展出效果始终是我们展览会最大的亮点和优势。According to previous statistics and feedbacks from exhibitors, China, still holds the lightspot and advantage in both transaction volume and exhibition effect.


1)改性塑料(改性PE、PP、PS、ABS);通用工程塑料(PA、PA6、PA66、PA12、PC、POM、PBT、PET、PPO、PMMA)等;特种工程塑料(PPS、PI、PSF、PEEK、PCTFE、LCP、PTFE、PES、PAI、PAR)等;塑料合金(PPO/PS、PC/ABS、PC/PBT、PC/PET、PA/PP)等。1)Modified plastics (Modified PE、PP、PS、ABS et al.); general engineering plastics(PA, PA6, PA66, PA12, PC, POM, PBT, PET, PPO, PMMA et al.); special engineering plastics(PPS, PI, PSF, PEEK, PCTFE, LCP, PTFE, PES, PAI, PAR et al.); plastic alloys(PPO/PS, PC/ABS, PC/PBT, PC/PET, PA/PP et al.).2)辅料 增强材料(各种纤维);抗氧剂;抗雾剂;抗静电剂;阻聚剂;光稳定剂;着色剂;偶联剂;阻燃剂;成型剂;热稳定剂;润滑剂;增塑剂;抗紫外光稳剂;钛白粉等等。2)Auxiliary ingredientsReinforcing material (all kinds of fibers); antioxidant; antifogging agents; antistatic agents, inhibitor, light stabilizer agents, colorants, coupling agents, flame retardants, forming agents, heat stabilizers, lubricants, plasticizers, ultraviolet stabilizers, titanium dioxide etc.3)制品及应用过程 各种工程塑料成型材料;半成品及成品用于电子、家电、汽车、建筑、航空及航天等产品。3)Products and Processing ApplicationIncluding various engineering plastic shape materials; Semi-finished and finished products, which are applied in electronics, electric appliances, automotive industry, building, space ad aviation, etc.4)加工应用领域 单、双螺杆挤出机;混炼机、往复式混炼机;造粒机、水下造粒机;滚塑机;粉碎机,新型成型工艺机装备,中空成型机及模具,注塑成型机及模具,压制成型设备,反应注塑成型设备等等。4)Major Processing ApplicationScrew Extruders, Blenders, reciprocating Blender; granulator; underwater granulator; Rotational-molding Equipment, muller, New Molding processes and Equipment, Blow-molding Machines & Molds, Injection-molding Machines & Molds, Compression Molding Equipment; Reaction Injection-molding Equipment, etc. 5)辅助设备 干燥机,研磨机,计量喂料装置,加热器,模具装卸,模温控制器及冷水机,传感器,监控仪器,螺杆机筒,回收设备及系统,检测设备及仪表,CAD/CAM系统等等。5)Auxiliary EquipmentDryers, Grinders, Metering and Feeding Devices, Heaters, Mold Releasers, Mold Temperature Controllers and Coolers, Sensors, Monitors, Screws and Cylinders, Recycling Equipment and Systems, Testing Equipment and Instruments, CAD/CAM systems, etc.


国内展商RMB 1200元/、光地RMB1100元/(36起租),外资、中外合资企业USD 260/、光地USD 240/(36起租)。光地包括:展馆照明、保安、公共场所清洁、现场服务等。注:参展商需自行设计并自付展台搭建费和场馆施工管理费等。另外:展位是四面开口、三面开口以及两面开口形式的将额外加收费用分别为10%、8%、5%。





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