l uSteel, Sheet metal, Steel Structure, Wire and Tube, Working Machines, metal Forming Machines.
l uWelding, Cutting, Bending, Heating, Joining Technologies. 焊接切割,折弯,加热,接合技术
uSurface Preparation & Finishing Technology. 表面处理和精加工技术
l uMachine Tools for Thermal, Electro-chemical and Other Processes.
l uMachine Tools, Thermal & Industrial Machinery and Equipments. 机床,热力设备,工业机械
l uProcess Control Systems. 过程控制系统
l uSoftware, CAD/CAM, Robotics and Process Automation Technologies. 软件,机器人和过程自动化
l uPrecision Tools, Parts, Components, Accessories for Manufacturing Technology.
精密工具,零部件 ,组件,配件制造
l uMaterial Flow and Storage Technology. 物流与仓储技术
l uInstrumentation and Testing. 测量仪器和测试系统
l uCoolants, Lubricants.冷却剂、润滑剂