
来源:互联网   发布日期:2024-12-19   浏览:10次  

导读:Concurrent Events: Overseas Days-the 5th Overseas Property and Immigration Forum & Seminars Overseas P+I-Overseas Property and Immigration Industry Cocktail Party ◆ 海外置业、移民及留学行业领先的渠道对接及获客交流平台! 作为行 ......

Concurrent Events:

Overseas Days-the 5th Overseas Property and Immigration Forum & Seminars

Overseas P+I-Overseas Property and Immigration Industry Cocktail Party

◆ 海外置业、移民及留学行业领先的渠道对接及获客交流平台!

作为行业领先的,兼具规模和展会效果的海外房产、出国移民及留学领域知名展会品牌,Overseas P+I第十二届北京海外置业及移民留学展将于2025年4月24至26日在国家会议中心再度亮相。依托北方地区庞大的市场需求,在往届展会成功举办的基础上,本届展会将继续扩大规模,预期汇集来自美国、日本、香港、英国、加拿大、迪拜、希腊、澳大利亚、西班牙、德国、葡萄牙、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、塞浦路斯等数十个国家及地区的近150个海外精品项目,广邀众多渠道合作方、中介机构及行业人士参与展会,并吸引海量的高收入家庭到场参观。Overseas P+I第十二届北京海外置业及移民留学展将凭借专业的组展操作和全面的宣传推广,再度构筑海外置业、出国移民及留学领域一站式渠道合作及获客交流的展示平台!

◆ China’s leading event dedicated to overseas property and immigration

Overseas P+I-Beijing Overseas Property & Immigration Exhibition is China’s leading property and immigration event dedicated to overseas luxury property, real estate and immigration. Held in the iconic China National Convention Center in Beijing on April.24-26, the 12th Overseas P+I is expected to gather about 7,000 high net worth visitors, agents & professionals and showcase about 150 projects from locations around the world, including: USA, Japan,Hongkong, UK, Canada, UAE, Greece, Australia, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Cyprus, and many more. The 12th Beijing Overseas Property & Immigration Exhibition will continue to focus on building an exceptional platform for exhibitors to interact with a large number of potential partners and target investors.

◆ 丰富的同期活动:

O verseas P+I第十二届北京海外置业移民留学展致力为参展机构再度搭建理想的渠道拓展、直接获客及品牌推广平台。展会不仅设立专业日,同期还将举办隆重举办Overseas P+I海外置业移民留学行业交流酒会、第四届Overseas Days海外置业移民留学论坛以及超30场的项目说明会。届时众多业内大咖、专家及行业人士齐聚一堂,分享海外置业移民留学行业的最新资讯。参展商将借此机会与众多合作伙伴及客户群体展开深入交流。

◆ Ample Networking Opportunities

The 12th Beijing Overseas Property & Immigration Exhibition will provide the perfect networking platform. A full set of exciting on-site events will offer all exhibitors ample opportunities to connect with partners, agents and affluent investors.

The first day of the exhibition is the professional day. And exciting events will take place during the three days of the show include the glamorous Overseas P+I Industry Cocktail Party,the 5th Overseas Days- Industry Forum and more than 30 insightful on-site seminars.

◆ 全面的宣传及广泛的营销合作

Overseas P+I北京海外置业及移民留学展将继续深化在网络搜索、网络媒体、抖音、小红书、微信、小区地推、达人合作等领域的宣发投入,让展会讯息能够针对性地触及更多对口人群。

Overseas P+I第十二届北京海外置业移民留学展也将继续携手中国网、环球网、搜狐网、腾讯网、居外、外房网、海外搜房网等超50家国内外主流媒体、房产行业垂类媒体,打造媒体宣发矩阵,让参展品牌得到最大程度的曝光。


◆ Maximize Media Exposure

Through an extensive marketing campaign, the 12th Overseas P+I helps the exhibitors grow their reputation and boost brand awareness here in China.

From China.com.cn,Huanqiu.com, Sohu.com, Tencent.com to Juwai,Glofang.com,Find property overseas, more than 50 powerful and quality media partners will maximize exhibitors’ brand exposure towards potential partners and target investors.

The organizer will continue to leverage reciprocal promotion platforms by collaborating with international schools, financial investment institutions, related clubs, high-end services and consumption institutions, high-end hospitals to invite high net worth visitors.

Meanwhile, the organizer will seize China’s live stream boom and broadcast live on Tik Tok, We Chat Channel and Little Red Book during the show to multiply interactions between the exhibitors and visitors.

◆ 相聚北京,共聚发展!


国家会议中心毗邻鸟巢及水立方,地铁直达,是北京城区内高端会展活动首选举办场所。作为北方地区上半年唯一行业盛会,Overseas P+I第十二届北京海外置业及移民留学展将继续使用国家会议中心5A展馆,以更大的规模,更多的人气,实现更好的展示交流成果。

◆ Chance to explore the huge market in China

Beijing is a leading hub for high-net-worth Chinese individuals who seek global mobility and investment opportunities. According to the Hurun 2024 Report, mainland China is home to the largest number of millionaires worldwide and Beijing is the fourth global millionaire capital of the world. based in Beijing,the 12th Overseas Property & Immigration Exhibition will provide an ideal platform for exhibitors to explore the huge market and meet with visitors from all over China.

The 12th Overseas P+I will be held at the iconic China National Convention Center, adjacent to the landmark Bird’s Nest and Water Cube. This prestigious high-end location, combined with the participation of global brands, will create the perfect platform to showcase luxury properties, real estates and immigration projects.

◆ 展出范围:





◆ Who Will Exhibit?

■Luxury Property:Luxury retreats、Lake homes、Ski chalets、Mega Projects、Penthouses

■Real Estate:Residential property、Commercial property、Mixed Use property

■Immigration:Law Firms、International immigration companies;

■Realtor Companies:International luxury property agents、International real estate agents;

◆ 参加费用:


类 型







$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4100 USD/9平米

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$410 USD/平米







Participation Fee:

1.Booth Price

Standard Booth:USD 4100/9㎡;Raw Space:USD 410/㎡ ( Minimum 18㎡)

9㎡Standard Booth Includes:

Wall panels on 2 sides, fascia board with company name, 1 power point of 5A/220V, carpeting, 2 spot lights, 1 information counter, 1 round table, 6 chairs, printing and pasting wall posters (two sides, each 2.48m high * 2.96m width)

2. Sponsorship Fee

Exclusive title sponsorship: USD90,000; Co-organizer sponsorship: USD 18,000; Supporter sponsorship: USD 7,000; Industry cocktail party exclusive title sponsorship: USD 28,000;Industry cocktail party co-organizer sponsorship USD 7,000; For specific rights and on-site advertising, industry cocktail party sponsorship and other single sponsorship please contact the organizer for details;

3. On-site Seminar Price

USD 750 per session (30 min.)


Overseas P+I第十二届北京海外置业及移民留学展组委会




电话:13910024687, 电子邮箱:1214729240@qq.com


Contact Information

The 12th Overseas P+I Organizing Committee

Hobby World Expo International Business Co.,Ltd.

Contact person:Liang Chen,

Tel:13910024687, Email:1214729240@qq.com


下届北京展信息/Next Session(已启动,recruiting exhibitors):

■Overseas P+I第十三届北京海外置业及移民留学展览会

Overseas P+I -The 13th Beijing Overseas Property & Immigration Exhibition

展会时间:2025年11月6-8日 展会地点:北京·国家会议中心

Dates: 6th-8th November, 2025 Venue:China National Convention Center,Beijing





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