时间:2023年10月17-19日 祁13701911541
1、关于中国授权展 | Profile
Why China?
According to China Licensing Industry Report 2020, the total retail volume of licensed merchandise in China in 2019 reached USD 14.6 billion, 15.9% growth year-on-year. And the royalty fee of the industry amounted to RMB 3.82 billion.
China ranks the fifth largest licensing market in the world, only after US, UK, Japan, and Germany. Licensing business in China is expanding rapidly with huge potential.
Why China Licensing Expo?
CLE中国授权展是中国商务部批准的唯一以 中国 字头命名的授权展,由中国玩具和婴童用品协会主办。CLE中国授权展从2007年发展至今,已成功举办14届,现已成为亚洲规模最大、最具行业影响力、最具权威性和专业性的国际化商贸平台。
The largest professional licensing exhibition in Asia, China Licensing Expo (CLE) is organized by the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA). The headline-hitting three-day B2B licensing networking event is widely recognized as the most effective network to promote brands, properties, characters and designs, to start and expand licensing businesses in China, by connecting the world s most influential property owners and high quality consumer-goods manufacturers, licensees and retailers throughout the nation.
1)IP365X,全年365天的线上CLE | IP365X, Online China Licensing Expo
线上 IP365X 对接平台由中国玩具和婴童用品协会品牌授权专委会主办,旨在为行业搭建365天线上线下打通的商贸对接平台。IP365X平台除了常年展示推广IP及案例外,旨在集合各行业授权商及被授权商资源,发现潜在合作客户,对接合作需求。此外,IP365X还联合数十家国家级行业协会宣传推广IP,进行线上线下邀约配对,推动IP与被授权企业之间的商业对接。
IP365X belongs to China Toys and Juvenile Products Association. IP365X aims to bring together a wide range of licensors and licensees from various industries and resources, open up information barriers, solve the information asymmetry phenomenon in the field of brand authorization and effectively promote the commercial docking between various authorized IPs and authorizedenterprises。