
来源:互联网   发布日期:2023-02-09   浏览:128次  

导读:2023第九届上海国际糖酒食品交易会 展览时间:2023年6月5-7日 展览地点:国家会展中心-上海虹桥 展会概括 上海国际糖酒食品交易会(简称:SFDF)被业界广泛流传为 友谊的纽带、商贸的桥梁 。上海糖酒会立足中国,以 ......





上海国际糖酒食品交易会(简称:SFDF)被业界广泛流传为 友谊的纽带、商贸的桥梁 。上海糖酒会立足中国,以得天独厚的自身地利优势与强大的中国消费市场需求,全力打造成亚太地区顶级影响力的国际酒类和食品行业盛会。每年上海糖酒会期间都会吸引来自海内外数以万计的酒类、食品行业新产品亮相以及数以万计专业买家参会,为生产企业、产品销售、总代企业寻找经销商、代理商、组建营销体系提供了不容错过的绝佳机遇。同时,众多海外企业与行业组织也希望能借助SFDF这一展示窗口与交易平台,将更多更好的优质食品与酒类商品引入中国,以争取中国庞大的市场份额和满足巨大的消费需求。该糖酒会历经数年的积累与沉淀,现已成为世界各国食品酒类企业把握消费现状、发展趋势、贸易互通及政企交流的综合平台。2023年6月美丽的季节,上海国际糖酒会期间将迎来五洲四海酒类和食品行业的数万客商,共酿欢乐的美酒,共享甜蜜的美食。

about 关于


Shanghai International Food & Drinks Fair (referred to as SFDF) is widely spread by the industry as "the bond of friendship, the bridge of commerce". Shanghai Food & Drinks Fair relys on China s unique geographical advantages and strong Chinese consumption market demand, strives to create an top influence event of international alcohol drink and food industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Every year, tens of thousands of new alcohol drink and food products from home and abroad will be presented and tens of thousands of professional buyers will attend the show, which provides an excellent opportunity for production enterprises, product sales and general agent enterprises to find distributors, agents and establish marketing system. At the same time, many overseas enterprises and industry organizations also hope to introduce more and better quality food and alcohol products into China through the SFDF that display

window and trading platform, so as to expend the huge market share of China and meet the huge consumption demand. After several years of accumulation and precipitation, SFDF has become a comprehensive platform for food and alcohol drink enterprises in the world to grasp consumption status, development trend, trade and exchange, and political and enterprise exchanges. In the beautiful season of June 2023, Shanghai will welcome tens of thousands of alcohol drink and food industry merchants from all over the world, brewing happy wine and sharing sweet food.



同期活动Concurrent Activities

During the exhibition, there will be a series of events such as International import & Export Food Policy, Laws and Regulations Summit, Forum on the Protection and Development of Geographical Indication Tea, Award Ceremony of China's Hundred Outstanding Young Tea Talents, the 4th China International Air Travel Meal Chef Cooking Championship, the first Star Chef Challenge,

China Hot Pot Explosion Shanghai Regional Contest, China Catering Franchise Conference, Buyer Meeting for International Tourist Catering Services, Lesaffre- Dim Sum Skills Competition, World Wine Master Class, Commendation Conference for Tea Integrity Measurement Demonstration Units, E-commerce New Channels and Internet Celebrity Selection Conference, Yangtze River Delta Food

Innovation and Development Forum, Promotion Activities of Provinces and Cities Tea Producing Areas, the 2nd China Celebrity Chef for Healthy New Ingredients Innovation Competition and the 2ndChina Star Chef for Local Famous Dishes Competition, China Catering Chain Digital Transformation Summit, Catering and Hot Pot Products Promotion Conference, "Lamsoon Cup Shanghai Butterfly

Crisp Skills Competition, Promotion Activities of Provinces and Cities Food Producing Areas, High-quality Tea Selection Activity, Selenium-enriched Food Industry Development Forum, etc. to held.










Major Exhibits

?Chinese famous wine exhibition area: liquor, yellow wine, domestic wine, health wine, winery, etc.

?International famous wine exhibition area: wine, beer, cocktails, fruit wine, brandy, whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, sake, agave, etc.

?Food & Beverage exhibition area: imported foods, baked goods, snack foods and sweets, fresh foods, edible oils and olive oil, fruits and vegetables, canned foods, natural and health foods, fashion drinks, high-end bottled water, milk and dairy products, ice cream and cold drinks , coffee and tea, etc.

?Catering and franchise exhibition areas: catering industry and catering materials,Organic food, Green food,hotel and restaurant chain franchise,catering new retail and digital manage-ment.

?Food and alcohol drink machinery category exhibition areas: beer and beverage

manufacturing technology and equipment, food machinery and packaging technology, dairy ice cream machinery and technology, etc.

?Wine and food package and service exhibition area: education and training, alcohol investment institutions, e-commerce platform service providers, wholesale and retail and channel service


参展费用 丨Participation Fees


A:内资企业:标准展位13800.00/展期(RMB)3m 3m B:外资企业:标准展位4800.00/展期(USD)3m 3m



A:内资企业:1300(RMB)/平方米 B:外资企业:480(USD)/平方米

注:(最少36平方米起租) 光地 只提供参展面积,不包括展架、展具、地毯、电源等。



2.酒类和食品领域的批发商、代理商、经销商/分销商、进出口贸易商、生产制造商、专营店、从业者、消费者、供应商、专家、研究人员、行 业组织和协会、采购商/加盟商、技术咨询、商超、电商等;


联系人:李娜 17701711605 (兼微信) QQ:3485286477





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